BUt I always get inspired whenever I get to read people's blog whether about fashion, life or
anything under the sun. Its just amazing how they play words and get across their stories.
Actually I should be number crunching right now but I just don't have the drive to do it though I know
I really need to. I know I am capable to achieve a lot of things (yes we all are) but sometimes laziness gets
on the way. DO you often feel the same way too? me I am always guilty. I am such an ambitious person but
I often fails in executing my goals. It sucks being an ordinary person! You cant really achieve something if you don't work hard for it. BUt they say things in life are much more appreciated if you work hard for it. But isn't it nice to get freebies once in a while.
I dont see the point in this blog entry, mi ideas are kind of all over the place and wait this is supposed to be fashion
blog but I don't have pictures taken recently, school and work had gotten in the way of my fashionista side though once in
a while I make an effort to "effortlessly" dress up for class.
I promise when everything ordinary and boring will be over (i mean class) ill post more entries.
As for now here's a picture that I edited with Picasa. I always wanted this kind of pictures, I know you could do this with photoshop (well you can pretty much do everything with photoshop).

Its nice to write! I should do this more often