I got myself a new advanced compact.I have been drooling over this for months.
I initially wanted a Leica but its way over my budget but i researched enough and found that the lumix has leia lens and see it also has the vinatage feel that Im looking for and lastly it was on SALE!! woohoo..i think we were meant to be..

-this shot is from my blackberry so its kinda blurry-
My friend and I took it for a test drive to discover its feature...
went to lakeshore/harbourview:

CN Tower in all its tallness

cute sculpture...

the best hangout place that we discovered...right in the heart of the city!

my friend Reina and I using the self-timer...
we had dinner at PickleBarrel--we were so tired from all the walking:

my sirloin steak!yum!
and ofcourse I had to post pictures of my outfit:

Oxford shoes: Urban outfitters - my friend shoes is from Aldo.
Lately I have been falling in love with oxford shoes...its manly to look at but it gives a certain spunk to an outfit...there are great oxford shoes in uban outfitters and zara that are relatively cheaper compared to feragamo.
This is it for now..i think i wont be blogging for the rest of the month...a lot of exams and too busy with work.
At Last!!! =) I found your blog... =) i like the hang out place in the heart of the city... but seems like nobody seems notice it... nobody's there... =)